3 things I no longer believe in…

4 min readDec 18, 2017

I want to ask you guys to do something with me before reading this article. Just take a minute, think about all the things you used to believe in when you were a kid or a teenager … do you still believe in them ? Because I don’t.

I have changed over the years, more than I thought anyone could. The woman I am today is far from resembling the one I thought I would be when I was dreaming about my 21 years old self. Life has happened and I learned a few things along the way.

I am sure that if I give this topic a little bit more thinking, I can list more things I don’t believe in anymore but I am just going to stick with the three I have already in my head. Feel absolutely free to share yours with me.

  1. I no longer believe that people are just either good or bad

Until I started hurting people myself, willingly or not, I believed a person could not be both good and bad. In my full-of-ideals mind, the two concepts could not exist together, in the same heart.

I think that’s why I have always been and still am so hard at forgiving myself for making mistakes and hurting someone. Even though I am aware now, that doing bad things does not make you a bad person, I still can’t stand being on a bad side of a story. It literally makes me sick of guilt.

Anyways… so I grew up and life opened my eyes. I saw my bad sides, the ugly part of my heart and I no longer believe that people are just either good or bad.

2. I no longer believe that everyone can succeed by combining hard work and patience

Life is tough guys, we all know that by now and we are all thriving to make it out there. When I started being interested in entrepreneurship, I heard or read about a lot of success stories and the lesson was almost always the same: work hard, be patient, don’t ever give up and you will succeed.

And I believed in it. I believed those stories. As people believe in the songs… you know, the ones that talk about how we are all creatures of God that have been created to succeed ? The ones that tell you that you need to work hard, have faith, that one day, you’ll be riding a bomb ass car, buying a super big house and marrying the beautiful woman you have always wanted ? Yeah these songs !

Well I no longer believe that we can all succeed in this life. Some of us are going to die poor or live all their life in misery. Some others will even die before they get to success. That’s life. Real life.

3. I no longer believe in the all-easy love and the soul mate story

That might disappoint you but yes, I did believe, years ago, that love had one face, came with no hard times, and that we all had one soul mate out there.

Oh my… how wrong I was ! Now I know that two people sharing true love are still going to fight for each other, to preserve their love, to deal with life and find the happiness they deserve to live together.

Now I know that in a lifetime, you will love more than one person. You will connect to more than one person. The love will probably feel different … passionate, full of tenderness, as meant to be, or the ones where we feel like we need to fight life to be together. So yes, I no longer believe love is easy. I no longer we have ONE soul mate.

That’s it for the day guys ! I’d love to hear about the thing you no longer believe in and maybe I’ll write a seond article on the topic. Don’t forget to hit the heart and follow me ! :)




Hi there :) All the things you need to know about me are in my stories so hurry up and go read them !